Coming Out of Closets
During PRIDE month as we celebrate diversity and stand in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ community, the 211 service is available to anyone coming out of closets and sharing their difficult situations. Diversity is a benchmark of the 211 network with PRIDE month as a beautiful celebration of this work – and it’s something we honor every day of the year.

Answering the Call
Across our country June 19th is being recognized as the historically celebrated holiday Juneteenth. While we celebrate this historical day in which impactful information was shared, let us recognize that our work of sharing information can play a vital role in supporting systemic change in our country, with a direct effect on the Black community and other people of color.

Mental Health Beyond May
211 is in the unique position to alleviate some of the stress associated with seeking Health, Education and Financial Stability resources. Through Ride United Transportation Access and Ride United Last Mile Delivery, 211 can help remove access barriers by providing transportation. When people call 211, they are in need of a service and often don’t know where else to turn for help.

Caring for Caregivers
AARP and United Way Worldwide & 211 Partner with Local Teams to Provide Caregiver Support

SXSW / UWW / DoorDash
Between March 11-20, creative industries from across the globe joined together in Austin, Texas to discuss how they use innovation and creativity to face today’s toughest global issues.

United Way 211 Partnership with Handyman Connection Keeps Southeastern Michigan Residents Safe In Their Homes
Handyman Connection is fulfilling an important part of our program’s efforts to help families keep their homes safe. Joe Cox, owner of @HandymanConnectionofAnnArbor, uses his team’s home repair and renovation expertise to make an impact in our community, donating labor and materials for home improvement projects of area residents in need. Thank you for your continued support, Joe and team!

On National Pet Day, Reflect on the Importance of Ritual and Family
On National Pet Day, United Way celebrates our Ride United program partners, PetSmart Charities and DoorDash, as we expand our Pets Eating Too (PET) work to help more pet owners care for their fur babies.

Team Pulte: Twitter Philanthropist
"There is no shame in asking for help." Twitter Philanthropist, Bill Pulte, is passionate about helping people. Through his social media channels, Bill Pulte is using his influence to make a difference in the lives of veterans, teachers and families across the nation.

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